More than 107,000 children are abused in the Netherlands each year. That is almost twice the number experts assumed until now. About 30 in every 1,000 children suffer physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect.
Any such numbers coming from the Netherlands should be read with the awareness that the Dutch government tampers with statistics to make their country seem better than it is in reality.
When I exposed the Dutch Pedophile Coverup at the beginning of this century, I discovered that between the ages of 12 and 16, no one is allowed to make a report of child abuse except the parents of an abused child. Even the child himself (or herself) cannot complain about his or her situation. Thus, when the study of abused children in the Netherlands states:
The study was based on data from 1,100 professionals in the social and medical services, and on information from the 17 centres for reporting child abuse.
we must keep in mind the fact that such a study will exclude the 12-16 year old age group, a parent abusing their 12-16 year-old being very unlikely to file a report against themselves. For all practical purposes, incest is legal between the ages of 12 and 16 in the Netherlands, and a large number of children are taught that having sex with their parents is absolutely normal. If something is not a crime, I doubt it would appear on the report referred to in the report from the University of Leiden.
Further, as I demonstrated in my report on how the Dutch protect pedophiles, it is very unlikely that any child being abused would be able to notify any official of their situation.